Thursday, September 1, 2016

ITGOA and ITEF will be on strike tomorrow (2nd Sep'16) : CBDT warns of consequences

In response to the strike notice served by ITGOA and ITEF. CBDT has taken strict stand. It warned the employees about consequences of taking part in strike citing DOPT's office memorandum. CBDT asked all Pr CCITs to suitably inform all employees about the consquences and asked report af absentees during strike. No leave will be sanctioned during strike.
Click here for the CBDT communication


  1. Any progress about Consequential promotions to ITOS in TN, AP & TS? Jago JCA Jago. Ad-hoc promotions were made in ACIT cadre for RY 2014-15 and 2015-16 due to non implementation of NRP. This will not affect the number of promotions in Consequential ITI to ITO because NRP is completed in ITI cadre. So there's is no meaning in barring Ad-hoc promotions from ITI to ITO. First try to understand the issue and start resolving. Jago JCA Jago.

  2. Why the hell central JCA is not raising the issue of consequential DPCs before the CBDT. Are they interested only for their own benefits. The Pr.CCITs who are denying the regular and consequential DPCs be instructed by the CBDT. JCA leaders please woke up or else the days are not far away for the future problems. Why the JCA used lower cadre for ITO to ACIT promotions.

  3. Dear Comrades, don't expect anything from ITEF and ITGOA. They are busy in their personal issues. Just leave the promotion matters and relax...Let the Comrades retire happily without any promotion. ...Thanks JCA for using the Comrades.

  4. Baseless allegations against the association must be ceased

  5. What the JCA leaders of our department have achieved by participating in the trade union strike held on 02-9-2016.When there are lot of issues such as ITI to ITO promotions etc. to be settled in Tamil Nadu, these leaders of JCA have unnecessarily directed all the comrades to take part in the strike.The ITGOA in TN willfully and intentionally colluded with ITEF to achieve their ACIT promotions for 2014-15 and 2015-16 with the help of ITEF. Because they can't do anything without the support of ITEF. For which the GS of ITEF of T.N is also having hand in gloves with ITGOA. The GS of ITEF of T.N is having much more passion for ITGOA only rather than his own comrades. That is why he is reluctant to achieve the promotion to ITIs to ITO. Definitely he won't do anything for the consequential promotions of ITO in T.N.

  6. If there is no consecutive promotion to the cadre of IIT to ITO on adhok ACIT promotions, why the hell ITEF agreed for adhoc acit promotions instead of regular acit promotions. The itgoa guys enjoyed the adhok promotions and not fighting for consecutive promotions for down below cadres on adhok basis. Nobody knows when will the nrp will be implemented throughout the country as some of the itgoa leadership fears their seniority will be affected. So they are putting hurdles and not interested in nrp implementation. The itef poor guys singing to the tune of clever itgoa thereby putting the interest of itef members who are waiting for their promotions. Unless the itef members revolt against this injustice, there will not be any solution in the near future.

  7. The ITGOA cannot do anything of its own. They have to fully depend upon the ITEF only for achieving everything. Thus they have achieved their goal of ACIT promotions for 2014-15 and 2015-16 with the help of the ITEF. Now they are moving towards 2016-17.Thus they are more particular in their own goal. But the pitiable ITEF leaders are not doing anything for their OWN comrades to get atleast the consequential ITO promotions. NRP has been fully updated in the cadre of ITI. If it is not updated like that of ACIT, ITO promotion may be made on ad hock basis. But it has been updated. So the leaders of ITEF don't believe the leaders of ITGOA anymore and take up the matter with the CBDT and get the direction in writing to conduct the DPC for the consequential ITO promotions of 2014-15 and 2015-16 immediately

  8. Jindapad jindapad jca jindapad.
    Jindapad jindapad nrp jindapad.

  9. Some of our leaders have a view in their mind that when they became Sr.TA /OS/IIT it took much more time for getting such promotions as compare to what today. That why now a days they are showing less interest towards the promotion prospectus of the people. A perfect leader should not keep such tings in his mind. Today's scenerio is quite different as it was in the past.

  10. Dear Comrades, JCA is least bothered about Consequential promotions. When the issue is crystal clear about number of vacancies arising in ITO and down level, it should have taken up the matter before CBDT. But so far it has not done anything in this direction. It is better we don't ask the JCA.

  11. If there is no consquential promotion to the cadre of ITI to ITO on adhok basis, why then the ITEF agreed for adhoc promotions to the cadre of ACIT?. When it is not acceptable to our own ITEF members, why the ITEF leaders unnessarily took care of ACIT promotions. Now the ITGOA has let down ITIs for promotion to ITO. The ITEF is not doing anything for its own members. They are very much interested in welfare of the ITGOA only.

  12. As per DOPT'S instructions all the promotions will be effected after the new Recruitment rules passed when every cadre restructure implemented. Now what is happening in our Department. The JCA may clarify to its members.

  13. If there is regular vacancies for vacancy year 2016-17, regular promotion should be preferred prior to adhoc promotion on remaining vacancies.
    ITEF should stress for regular promotions for the benefit of employees if this is legally possible.
