Monday, October 29, 2018

Details of anomaly committee meeting on 4th Oct reg. upgradation of pay

Recently a whatsapp message has become viral in different groups regarding granting of enhanced Grade Pay to Inspectors and ITOs of the department. The message is reproduced below.
"... the 3rd Meeting of Departmental Anomaly  Committee which held on 4.10.2018 decided to recommend to increase the Grade Pay of Inspectors of Income Tax/Central Excise  from Rs.4600/- to Rs.4800 at par with CBI Inspectors and Head Havildar Grade Pay from Rs.1900/- to Rs.2000/- in Central Exice. It was also decided to revisit the demand of increase of Tax Assistants Grade Pay from Rs.2400/- to Rs.2800/- by both CBDT and CBEC. The Tax Assistants Pay Anamoly will be decided in the next Meeting. Now the Inspectors pay matter will go to department of expenditure for notification. If it is  notified the Grade Pay of ITO will also be revised from Rs Rs.4800/- to Rs.5400/- Our long pending demand of pay at par CBI will be settled. It is a great achievement..."

Simpleincometax inquired into the matter and procured a copy of the minutes of the said anomaly committee meeting held on 4th October 2018. The outcome of the meeting is reproduced below along with the minutes.

Special Secretary(Revenue) directed that as in the earlier two occasion Govt. did upgrade the pay scale of Inspectors and ITOs, CBDT and CBIC should forward the demands of staff side to Dept. of Expenditure provided that these two board are agreed and send a detailed proposal keeping in view of horizental hierarchy, Recruitment Rule and pay of analogous posts in other Dept. / Ministry.

1 comment:

  1. a ˈhornet’s nest. not going to happen at all.
