Friday, June 7, 2013

Laptop for Inspectors, mobile for all approved by CBDT, sent for IFU approval

It is learnt from ITEF Central Headquarters' circular that CBDT has approved laptop for Inspectors and mobile handset for all employee. The proposal is sent to Integrated Finance Unit for their approval. The expenditure involved is Rs 42.70 crores for laptops and Rs 25.60 Crores for mobile sets. This information was made available to ITEF in the Personnel Grievance Redressal Committee meeting of CBDT on 04.06.2013. The meeting was chaired by Member (P & V) and Member (Revenue).
Click here for detailed circular of ITEF


  1. Kab tak milegi IFU se approval

  2. I want to know what is gd pay for stenographer-|| bcz this time gd pay is 2400/-. merge with stngfr, sta & os, what is work of stenographer.

  3. sir tell me. What is gd pay new recruite stenographer with restructuring.

  4. What is the next step after IFU approval ?

  5. Any further development on cadre restructure..

  6. steno can not merge with clerical cadre, in the csss/ministries steno not merged in clerical. It is no good for stenos.......

  7. Sir what is criterea for promotion in cadre of tax assistant in one time relaxation rule as i not completed the probation period but passed typing test and one year completed
