Tuesday, April 19, 2016

53 Inspectors promoted as ITO on Adhoc basis in West Bengal

Consequent to the Adhoc ACIT promotion, West Bengal charge issued promotion order for 53 Inspectors to ITO on adhoc basis today.
Click here for the order


  1. What about other regions? Why even adhoc chain promotions getting delayed by them? What the respective ITEF/ITGOA doing?

  2. Jaago Karnatak admn jaago. ITEF waalon jaago.

  3. Hearty congratulations to all those who got the promotions!!!!

  4. what about North Eastern Region

  5. Mumbai admin is worst

  6. what about Mumbai Region.

  7. It actually seems that the peoples sitting in HRD at CBDT and in the administration of the 18 Pr. CCIT regions are more interested in sowing seeds of discontentment among all the lower rung officials of the department.

    1. First the department held that the decision of Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of N R Parmar (NRP) is non implementable on retrospective basis. Then said it is applicable to the DR inspectors only and not to other posts. Afterwards, it issued clarification that the decision is applicable to the DR UDC also. Further, a clarification issued that the decision is applicable to all the class C posts where there is element of DR and PR.

    2. By calling meeting of all the officers involved in management of personnel of group B and C in various Pr. CCIT regions, Board was very well aware that it is nearly impossible to implement decision of NRP in seemless manner as the various CCIT regions have followed their own way in maintaining recruitment register and promotion. At this juncture it was needed that a firm decision should have been taken in respect of maintaining of recruitment register and promotion in all the regions. Alternately, recourse to Presidential reference of the matter to supreme court could have been taken by pointing out the fact that the decision can not be implemented. Hon'ble S C should have been assured that decision will be implemented on prospective basis.

    3. The slothful attitude of persons holding post at higher level is just enriching the advocates and ruining man hours of the department. Out of 18 Pr. CCIT regions 50(+) cases are undergoing just for sake of the getting clear cut instruction from CAT High Court on the issue of implementation of the NRP decision.

    4. The decision of Rajiv Mohan and catch rule is just being glossed so that the discontentment between the constituents of ITGOA, ITEF, and ITSEWA is kept brewing so that the self anointed lords of this honourable and unfortunate department could get their immmoral wishes fulfilled.

    5. Now the Mumbai Pr. CCIT region is having its own issue of the stay on promotion. On this issue there is distrust between the DR and promotee UDC of the department. Apart from it others on the verge of getting promotion to the various posts are also under anguish. But for this also the only perpetrators of the discontentment are the persons in the administration. They are taking conflicting decisions and trying to implement it. The present seniority list of the inspectors drawn in garb of implementing the NRP has left the DR UDC's worst affected lot.

  8. Tamilnadu is not much difference. Here a great suspence is going on regarding adhoc ITO promotion and ITEF also keeping quiet. No body giving the reson for the delay. Very surprising and strange.

  9. Gujarat is always late on promotions

  10. Mumbai me to stay laga hai bhai ITO promotion order par. ITEF napunsak ban kar tamasha dekh rahi hai.

    1. ITEF department mein sirf LEFTIST politics karta raha hai aur fund collection mein interest rahta hai. Isi lie to BENGAL mein ITEF la Namco Nissan Monte ja raha hai aur ITEA aa raha hai. JAI HIND VANDE MATRUM

  11. Please follow other regions this type model of promotion. JCA may ensure to issue like orders in all others regions which don't lead any litigations.

  12. thanks to ITGOA WB Unit and ITEF West Bengal

  13. Delhi region has considered consequential vacancy against promotion of ITO to ACIT for RAUV (recommended against unreserved vacancy) as general vacancy and RARV (Recommended against reserved vacancy) as reserved vacancy.
    As per this formula Mumbai has 20 RAUV means general vacancy, 2 general vacancy and 2 reserved vacancy.
    Total consequential vacancy in Mumbai-
    General -22
    Reserved - 2
    Some people in mumbai are propagating that all RAUV vacancies will be considered as reserved consequential vacancy but after this promotion order of Delhi region, it is clear that RAUV promotion will arise general consequential vacancy.

  14. After a wait of 8-9 years iti has been promoted to ito in WB. For remaining another 5-6 years will be required. It just a drop of water in the desert. That means 14 years from iti to ito may be required for the remaining!!!

  15. Any body from Tamil nadu can update on ITO adhoc promotion matter as our federation people are still sleeping despite several remainders asked whereas other regions are one by one passing the orders. If the leaders are not updating, why the hell they are collecting money from members?


  17. Mumbai admin is worst
    Employees in other region codemning itef itgoa admin for not doing adhoc promotion against consequential vacancy bur in mumbai, forget adhoc promotion against consequential vacancy, they have not done promotion of inspector to ito for vy 2015-16 for reason best known to them

  18. Any update about 2015-16 dpc for adhoc ACIT promotion ?

  19. Still quiet large number of defective APARs still to be corrected. So no chance for within this month.

  20. Dpc for b&c group.when?any news?

  21. 10 ITI promoted as ITO in the NW Region. Orders released today for the year 2016 17.

  22. The only mantra of the day should to ensure that ball starts rolling uninterruptedly so that a common point will be reached when there would be less discontentment among DR and PR whether ITI or other cadres like UDC etc

  23. 17 ITI promoted as ITO in tamilnadu. Congratulations to ITEF, Tamil nadu for this achievement.

  24. False news regarding tamilnadu 17 ITO promotion news.

  25. ITEF T.N Circle has lost its bargaining power in recent times. It is unable to bring the cancellation of recent transfer orders on promotion even in the cadre of MTS to TA , TA to STA Etc.
    Not able to bring Ito adhoc promotions even other states have already issued. No reason till date given by itef for the delay in issuing of ito orders.

  26. It is ascertained that the TN administration has referred to the board regarding consequential vacancies of ITO to ACIT promotions RAUV ST vacancies to be given to ST or general candidates. Till such time clarification received from the board, the adhoc ITO promotions are deferred in Tamil nadu. When other regions are giving RAUV chain vacancies to the general candidates, why can't tamilnadu give the same to the general candidates that too on adhoc basis and nearly 650 ACIT chain vacancies are due to arrived in near future. Did ever board has issued clarification from the field offices in short time? The itef is observing this as a mute spectator. We don't know when our promotions will come in black and white. God only knows.

  27. ITEF TN circle has no information regarding Promotion Sr.TA to OS or Sr.TA to ITI. Many of our comrades raised queries but no proper response. But, once any order is issued, they right royally celebrate, that they had achieved.How long you people bluff the society.

  28. Very true April 23, 2016 at 12:26pm's comment. Our GS will keep quiet to all our member's queries. He won't answer also. Now a days he becomes very rude after becoming national leader and travelling only in flights.

  29. In nwr ta and sr.ta are also going to cat against the steno quota

  30. Ye to bahut pahle hona chahiye tha...

  31. 8:06 pm
    CBDT should direct all regions about the consequential vacancy status of RAUV at the earliest so adhoc promotions should not be delayed

  32. when all consequential vacancies relating to ST in the ITO cadres are filled with in the General category in both Delhi and West Bengal, why Tamilnadu alone is seeking clarification from the Board. It will be a time consuming process and our eligible comrades only will be affected ultimately. Hence it is the right time for our ITEF to act in such a way that all the consequential ITO vacancies pertaining to 2014-15 should be filled in before the AGT. Please try to get it materialized .

  33. Itef now a days becoming like tent of confusing clowns.

  34. Adhoc promotion order released under CCIT(CCA) Odisha Region. Thanks to the administration as well as JCA for delayed release of the adhoc promotion of ITOs.
