Tuesday, May 28, 2019

NRP order with prospective effect, seniority to be revised

According to the latest order from CBDT dated 27.05.2019, implementation of N.R Parmar order to be done with prospective effect from the date of judgement of Supreme Court (27.11.2012).
All regions have conducted review DPCs with retrospective effect are being nullified and the seniority list before the date of judgement is to be restored.

Click here for the CBDT Order Dated 27.05.2019

Friday, May 17, 2019

Adhoc ACITs for the vacancy year 2014-15 regularised

The President is pleased to appoint the following officers in the grade of Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax (ACIT) against the vacancy year 2014-15 in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix Rs. 56100-177500/- on regular basis with immediate effect or until further order on in situ basis:- 

Click here for the order
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