Friday, February 17, 2017

ITO to ACIT promotion : DPC likely to be held soon

It is learnt from reliable sources that proposal for DPC for ad hoc promotion for v. y. 2016-17 to the grade of ACIT is cleared by Revenue Secretary and sent to FM for his approval. The long awaited DPC and subsequent promotion likely to be materialized very soon.


Anonymous said...

Good News! after a long time....

aspriant said...

It is wonderful if it happens within this lucky month of Feb. 2017 and brings cheerfulness to all cadres hoping for promotions before close of financial year 2016-17.

Anonymous said...

When can we expect promotion order

Anonymous said...

Can the Admin. tell the exact number of posts likely to be promoted?

Basavaraj AD said...

Heard FM also cleared it...

Anonymous said...

Mumbai region can not expect consequential promotion till disposal of various petitions in various courts

Anonymous said...

Probably 256 on monday

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Will it be on old senority list or revised senority as per NRP

Anonymous said...

Associations are doing their work Brilliantly. First, try to understand the legal matter pending in Hon'ble Supreme Court. Without final decision of them, no adhoc promotion could be regularized.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wrong to say that. Only due to malafide intentions of ITEF new recruitment rules are yet to be finalized which must have been notified in 2014 the year in which cadre restructuring was notified. Actually top office bearers want useless & incompetent stenographers to get promotions to ITI in the prevailing totally unjustified fashion. Big shame on ITEF.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FM has been singed on proposal of DPC

Anonymous said...

Can we view the promotion list

Anonymous said...

Whether FM cleared or not is not clear. But I have seen on IRS Officers Online that the final list of deficient APARs of ITOs is placed on net. I am not sure whether the DPC will take place in this back ground

Anonymous said...

When is the expected date of DPC. HOW MANY promotions IN MUMBAI REGION

Anonymous said...

Has FM approved

Anonymous said...

What happened to your 256 (Adhoc or Real? ) on Monday?

Anonymous said...

There is no authentic news about DPC

Quamar said...

Be positive think positive,and everything will be good after all hope is the very essance of life.

Anonymous said...

Exactly tell the truth about ITEF.

Anonymous said...

Last few couple of months we are all Ranchos thinking positive and telling ourselves "all is well". But nothing happening

Anonymous said...

Any update Ito to acit new

Anonymous said...

Any update for dpc ito to acit vying 2016-17

Anonymous said...

rather than pursuing these matters here and blaming ITEF, better thing to do would be to urge judiciary to expedite the proceeding in seniority and promotion related cases. The vagaries of "due process of law" gives enough leverage to Judiciary to be liberal while giving dates, and as a result, cases drags on and on.

Anonymous said...

It is heared from reliable source that Hon'bl S.C.'s verdict on sc/st reservation on promotion dated 09.02.17 is unveiled now. Dear enlighted us on this matter.

Anonymous said...

And any update with any one regarding promotion of 2007/2008 to JCIT????

Anonymous said...

Any update for promotion from ito to acit vy 2016-17

Anonymous said...

Any new update about dpc

Anonymous said...

Instruction for conducting dpc for 2017-18 has been released but it is worthless as lucknow charge is only willing to promote stenographers to iti. So for other eligible candidates should not make any impression of being promoted. The union is also standing there for minority stenos.Lucknow charge and union should publish the exact no of vacancy for iti for both yeas.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely true. It may be added here and no exaggeration to say that post of stenographer should be completely abolished in Income Tax Department. This post is totally irrelevant today.

Anonymous said...

Proposed dpc is not signed by FM

Anonymous said...

Absolutely true. The dictionary of ITEF completely lacks words like the principle of natural justice.

Anonymous said...

Whether Proposed dpc is signed or not

Anonymous said...

Such a judgement is also needed in Lucknow region so that all SC ST employees may be demoted.

Anonymous said...

There is no need to stay, still the process of conducting DPC with old RR.

Anonymous said...

Dpc is not conducted within 31 March 2017

Anonymous said...

Before Guwahati BGM SG shown RS approval of 650 Promotions by March'2016 (Everyone knows what happened to that). Now before west bengal election he is again showing RS approval of 214 Promotions (total 600 adhoc promotions). How many times he will show same " Crocodile Kid "???

Anonymous said...

The file for Adhoc DPC for ITO to ACIT promotion for the recruitment year 2016-17 has been cleared by Revenue Secretary on 16/2/2017but the same is returned by FM with negative remark today

Anonymous said...

No dpc till parmar fully implemented in all charges

Anonymous said...

Proposed dpc is not signed by FM

Anonymous said...

Thanks now let us wait for positive news

Anonymous said...

Very good

Anonymous said...

FM should not sign or approve the dpc till all seniority related court matters are decided.

Anonymous said...

The FM has instructed to the board the seniority of ito must be revised per UPSC letter

Anonymous said...

FM has remarked on Propesed dpc vy 2016-17 from ito to acit that Seniority list of ito must be revised as per UPSC letter

Anonymous said...

FM has remarked on adhoc dpc that Seniority of ito must be revised as UPSC letter

Unknoqwn said...

Dear 11.34
Court cases would not and could not be completed , it would be continued as the Earth revolves around.

So kindly do not appeal in this way

Anonymous said...

Adhoc dpc should take place even when court matters are pending...otherwise with this workload the department cannot be able to give the desired output!

Anonymous said...

Gujarat High court ordered to maintain status quo and contempt petition filed on chairman

Anonymous said...

This sort of things only prevails in this department. Some more persons are ready to file cases before Hon'ble Court. This process will continue and staff members will retire with drop of years. No other department in the country such disorder prevails. Cherish all...

Anonymous said...

No further dpc till rajeev mohan judgement implemented and seniority given from date of joining only.

Till then all aspirants for promotee acit post continue to suffer and stop dreaming of becoming Promotee CIT.

Anonymous said...

Some initiative should be there to implement Rajiv Mohan verdict. Let's all round effort put together so that to stop day dream of DIRCT...

Anonymous said...

in another case stay granted by gujarat high court upto 22 march

Anonymous said...

ANITA KAPOOR & 1....Respondents
MS VIDHI J BHATT, ADVOCATE for the Applicant
MRS MAUNA M BHATT, ADVOCATE for the Respondent No. 2
Date : 10/10/2016
Mrs. Bhatt, learned advocate for the
respondent nos.1 and 2, seeks time for placing on
record affidavit of the concerned respondent to
overcome the technical plea raised that the said
respondent has not filed any affidavit.
Mrs. Bhatt, learned advocate, indicated
that though on earlier occasion the statement was
made, now Court may pass appropriate order, as the
statement was enuring till the affidavit was filed.
On 12.09.2016, this Court passed the
following order;
“Mrs. Mauna M. Bhatt, learned
advocate for the respondent seeks time
Page 1 of 3
HC-NIC Page 1 of 3 Created On Wed Dec 14 22:10:59 IST 2016
C/CA/6862/2016 ORDER
and invites the court's attention to the
order dated 3.8.2016 and in all fairness
submits that the said statement shall
continue till the affidavit is filed on
the next date of hearing. At the request
of learned advocate Mrs. Mauna Bhatt,
the matter is adjourned to 20th
September, 2016. The statement made by
Mrs. Mauna Bhatt, learned advocate for
the respondent shall continue till the
next date of hearing.”
It is recorded in the above order that Mrs.
Bhatt's statement was to be continued till the next
date of hearing.
The entire contention is based upon the
discriminatory treatment meted out to the applicant
and similarly situated persons in the State of
Gujarat, despite there being a clear order of the
Supreme Court in their favour. The enigmatic omission
to follow the order of the Supreme Court on
ostensible reason of some disparity on account of
some proceedings in the High Court or Tribunal, would
surely not be permitted to be perpetuated. Hence, we
are of the prima facie view that when the counsel for
the respondent nos.1 and 2 has sought time to
overcome the technical objection of no affidavit on
behalf of the respondent no.1, despite the time being
granted, we fail to understand as to why there was no
affidavit from the Chairperson of the C.B.D.T. -
Page 2 of 3
HC-NIC Page 2 of 3 Created On Wed Dec 14 22:10:59 IST 2016
C/CA/6862/2016 ORDER
respondent no.1.
Learned counsel for the respondent nos.1
and 2 submitted that the affidavit, which is filed at
page 55 dated 20.09.2016, is along with due authority
from the Chairperson of C.B.D.T. and hence though the
same is in order, in case if it is required to be
treated as no affidavit so far as respondent no.1 is
concerned, let there be one more date and adjournment
so that the technical objection could be overcome.
When the Court is inclined to accept the request for
adjournment so as to enable the counsel for the
respondents to complete the formality of pleadings,
it would be in the fitness of thing that the
statement ought to have been continued. However, when
the counsel has pleaded her inability to continue
with the statement, this Court is of the view that
the adjournment shall not in any manner create any
prejudice to the applicant and similarly situated
Hence, the status quo as on date be
continued qua promotions from the cadre of Income Tax
Officers to Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax.
Put up on 15.11.2016.
(A.Y. KOGJE, J.)
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HC-NIC Page 3 of 3 Created On Wed Dec 14 22:10:59 IST 2016

Anonymous said...

Kindly ensure benefit of Rajeev Mohan case as it also a Hon’ble Supreme Court’s decision like N R Parmar case. There is no reason people those who are affected will suffer due to non implementation of the same. Impartiality in this regard would keep the morale of affected people high.

Anonymous said...

We demand Acit promotion at the time of reporting vacancy of DR Acit without delay as being done in lower cadres in department.

Anonymous said...

There is a waiting period of more than 15 years for Ito to Acit Promotion. So cbdt should ensure Acit promotion at the time of reporting vacancy of DR Acid within FY as is happening in lower cadres in the department.

Basavaraj AD said...

Very sad state of of my batchmate who joined in 1992 as iti retired in Jan 2017 as ito after serving as ito for 15 years and without getting ACIT promotion...only one promotion in 25 years ...!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FM has asked for revenue collection to all CCIT according men power for ito to acit promotion at earliest .

Anonymous said...

Gujarat HC order vacated. DPC for ITO to ACIT for 2016-17 will be held very soon.

Anonymous said...

Heard one more petition pending before hon.Mumbai hc

Anonymous said...

FM refused for any any promotion without giving effect NO pramer

Anonymous said...

CBDT is forwarded the FM letter to pccit today the issue of NR pramar

Anonymous said...

UPSC has denied for regulation to acit vy 2014 -15 due to not revised seniority

Anonymous said...

Today Mumbai Cat delivered judgment in favour of department. Some foolish approached Cat against seniority of ITIs and delayed promotions to post of ITOs for more than year.

Anonymous said...

Mumbai Region is expect ion promotions to ITOs very soon.

Anonymous said...

Very good now no promotion to promotee ACIT for another two years. Then some more petitions in different high courts then further stay.

Lage raho itgoa

Anonymous said...

First ITOs seniority should be modified in the cadre of ITIs by implementing promotion from Sr.TA and Steno not by ratio but equal year of service (for ex.10 years of service -one Steno and 10 years of service-one Sr.TA should be promoted) from previous restructure and do justice to all cadres from the year 2000 onwards.

Anonymous said...

A meenting is condated by Cbdt chairperson with RS regarding NR pramer impletation for next promotion

Unknown said...

Every year this drama of putting one or the other obstacle for promotion is played out by the irs through board. In spite of clear cut directions no effort is done for convening dpc before the beginning of recruitment year. I have been seeing this drama for atleast 17 years. Imagine vacancies of 14 15 is still not yet settled. Stop this once and for all. We are not beggars. The jca is going on agitation only after three years.

Anonymous said...

DPC to the post of ito to acit will not be convened due to NR pramar case, CBDT chairman denied yesterday for that

Anonymous said...

DPC is not conducted by board due to not giving NR pramar implemation

Anonymous said...

No chance for DPC

Anonymous said...

It is learnt that somebody filed a case in a court halting the DPC. Is any body aware of the facts? Will the DPC be conducted at least by September, 2017.

Anonymous said...

Till date appeals filed in various court cases are pending. In this rate the Dept. would not promote anybody. However, there is a DOPT order readdressing this issue. Somebody should bring this to notice of those who are holding responsible charges.

Anonymous said...

This is the really an encouraging situation for all of us...this will really help our department...this should continue....forever! No need of any agitation...

Anonymous said...

IRS LOBBY KO SABAK SIKHANA PADEGA.they learn bullet language

Anonymous said...

CCIT, CIT,JCIT, DCIT in sab ke promotion kyon nahin 4 saal me ek baar hote hein??????

Anonymous said...

The Hon'ble High Court Gujrat has given space for administrative exigency in its order staying the further promotion. The Hon'ble Board may approach to the court showing such exigency with relevant data.

Anonymous said...

The draft seniority list will be 1 month (approx)HC-NIC Page 7 of 10 Created On Wed Mar 15 00:11:27 IST 2017 C/MCA/1150/2016 ORDER published on the Departmental website seeking comments/ objection of the stakeholders, if any.
To address the objection/ 2 months (approx)
comments so received in the Draft
All India inter-se seniority list
Preparation of final All India inter- 1 month (approx.) se seniority list of ITOs after implementation of N.R. Parmar.
4. In view of the above, it is humbly submitted that the respondents are making all possible efforts to complete the said exercise and therefore, there is no wilful inaction on their part, so as warrant action in the present proceedings."
10. From the Additional Affidavit filed on behalf of the respondents, relevant portion of which is extracted above, we are convinced that the respondents are taking steps by implementing the directions issued by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Union of India Vs. N.R. Parmar & others, reported in 2012 (11) Scale 437. Having regard to the detailed reasons stated in the affidavits filed on behalf of the respondents, we are of the view that the respondents have not violated any directions issued by this Court intentionally and wilfully, attracting the provisions of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971. At the same time, we deem it appropriate to dispose of this petition placing on record the schedule mentioned in para 3 of the Additional affidavit filed on 27.01.2017 by the Department, as referred to above for completingHC-NIC Page 8 of 10 Created On Wed Mar 15 00:11:27 IST 2017 C/MCA/1150/2016 ORDER finalisation of seniority list of Income Tax Officers.
11. As it is stated that several juniors to the petitioners are already appointed as Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax on ad hoc basis and they are being continued, we direct the respondents not to fill up one regular vacancy of Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax till finalisation of seniority list. It is made clear that after finalization of seniority list it is open to the respondents to consider to fill up vacancies in accordance with law and if the petitioner is within the zone of consideration for promotion, the petitioner be absorbed in such vacancy. Otherwise, it is open to the respondents to fill up such vacancy in accordance with law by considering other eligible candidates.
12. Subject to the above observations and directions this Misc. Civil Application is disposed of. No order as to cost.
13. Consequently, Civil Application No.6862 of 2016 does not survive. The same is disposed of. Interim relief granted in this Civil Application is vacated subject to the observations and directions made hereinabove.


Anonymous said...

The court on 15th march has disposed of the case with giving liberty to the department to keep one post of ACIT vacant while promoting from ITO to ACIT.

Anonymous said...

is there any hope of DPC for ACIT in this year 2017

Unknown said...

Learned colleagues and friends. I am an ICT affected by NR Parmar implementation where Rajeev Mohan case was not considered at all as also the DOPT OM. In this connection the case of Kawaljeet Singh Bajwa & others Vs State of Punjab may be relevant where seniority etc inter alia NR Parmar case was considered as to be implemented if at all prospectively. Any comments please?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can anyone give latest update on DPC from ITO to ACIT in this year 2017

Anonymous said...

Sept or Oct I guess if not our people will definitely agitate

Anonymous said...

What is the latest update on Regularisation Of adhoc ACIT 2014&2015 R. Y.

Anonymous said...

wt is latest update on dpc from ito to acit

Anonymous said...

What is the next move on ito to acit promotion 2016-17

dev said...

if DPC for vacancy year 2016-17 for ito to acit is held this year i.e. 2017-18. will an inspector who has cleared ito exam in 2016 be eligible for promotion from iti to ito ? Also give reference on what basis is it so.

dev said...

is an ITI who cleared ITO exam 2016 eligible for promotion against the 2016-17 ITO to acit promotion vacancy ?

Anonymous said...

Yes he will be eligible if the vacancies in the feeder cadre of ITO arise anytime from 01April, 2017 to 31March, 2018.Such vacancies will also cover the vacancies arising out of promotion from ITO to ACIT even if they are for V. Y. 2016-17(ITO to ACIT).Only requirement is that should arise in F. y. 2017-18, I.e. the DPC for ITO to ACIT should take place in the F. y. 2017-18 itself.

Anonymous said...

Gujrat high court directed to finalise draft seniority list of ITOs by 28 Sept.. Meanwhile if department want to promotion on ad hoc basis from draft list, 18 petioners should also be promoted. In any case no promotion from the old list

Anonymous said...

Pls post Gujrat High Court Order...

Anonymous said...

What is the latest news on the matter... whether ad-hoc promotion under consideration by Board

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