Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to open the ITR V and what is the document open password ?

The ITR Vs generated by the systems are password protected now for increased security level for the benefit of the taxpayers.

Please note that you will receive your ITRV/ITR ACK PDF file in a zip format. Please note that the ITRV/ITR ACK PDF document is password protected to ensure it is accessed by the appropriate user. The password is a combination of the pan(in lower case) and the date of birth in the format ddmmyyyy. For example, 1) if the pan is AAAAA0000A and the date of birth is 10-Jan-2008, then the password will be aaaaa0000a10012008 Please note that you will need Adobe Acrobat reader to open the password protected PDF file.

ITR V s to be sent to Bangalore now. After transmitting your return data electronically, You will have to sent the signed copy of ITR V to Income Tax Department , CPC, Post Box No - 1, Electronic City Post Office. Bangalore - 560100, Karnataka within thirty days.

No Form ITR-V shall be received in any other office of the Income-tax Department or in any other manner.

Please remember to update your correct email id/phone no. etc because the Dept. is adopting modern technologies of communication and why not take advantages of that ?

The days of loitering on the corridors of the Income Tax offices are coming to an end soon.

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