In order to boost the revenue collection and to meet the deficit of Rs 50,204 Crores, CBDT asks all offices to show commitment to work on a 24X7 basis for the remaining days of this fiscal. In a video conference held today, it also barred all officers starting from Assessing Officers to CCITs to leave headquarter upto 31.03.2014. All Income Tax offices will be kept open on 29,30 and 31st march.
View the details of video conference
In the other hand, regarding cadre review, nothing reliable information could be gathered so far. ITEF, Delhi circle, who was on the news for calling and postponing agitation, remained silent till now. It is gathered from unconfirmed sources that the proposed meeting with Revenue Secretary on 19.03.2014 got cancelled. No more details are available right now. Let's wait and watch the next move.....
View the details of video conference
In the other hand, regarding cadre review, nothing reliable information could be gathered so far. ITEF, Delhi circle, who was on the news for calling and postponing agitation, remained silent till now. It is gathered from unconfirmed sources that the proposed meeting with Revenue Secretary on 19.03.2014 got cancelled. No more details are available right now. Let's wait and watch the next move.....