JCA West Bengal unit continuing agitation programme against the gross injustice made to West Bengal charge and asked to publish the criteria for allotment of additional posts. As per their letter, WB has got only 50 additional posts (0.24%) whereas others secured 10 to 90% of additional posts.
The main demands include additional 65 ITO and 151 ITIs, no reduction of DC/AC, A.O., P.S. as promised by Member (P&V), Chairman, Rev. Secy and F.M., no more diversion of posts to other region and publication of post allocation criteria.
View the ITGOA , WB letter to Pr CCIT
The main demands include additional 65 ITO and 151 ITIs, no reduction of DC/AC, A.O., P.S. as promised by Member (P&V), Chairman, Rev. Secy and F.M., no more diversion of posts to other region and publication of post allocation criteria.
View the ITGOA , WB letter to Pr CCIT