Friday, May 6, 2016

Revenue Secretary asks for workload, shortage in ACIT/DCIT cadre

Revenue Secretary wanted to know the sanctioned strength, actual working strength, last year's disposal and average pendecy of work as on 01.04.2016.
The report to be sent by all Pr CCITs within 10th of this month.
It may have a connection with promotion to the cadre.
Click here for the CBDT communication

Thursday, May 5, 2016

DPC for adhoc ACIT(2015-16) awaits Revenue Secretary approval

It is reported by ITGOA (woke up recently after long silence), DPC for 2015-16 is awaiting approval of Revenue Secretary. R.S. asked to consult UPSC before according sanction of the same. Accordingly, UPSC likely to be consulted and a note may be sent to them today itself. The issue of deficient APARs have been worked out and hopefully if everything goes right, the DPC may materialize soon.
Regarding regular DPC of 2014-15 : "As regard regularisation of ad-hoc promotion of 2014-15, the CBDT has asked for opinion from DoPT an DoLA on 19-04-2016 as per the advice of the UPSC. In the meantime the CAT, Pr. Bench, New Delhi pronounced the order of the Barad case and opined for regular promotion on the basis of the existing seniority list. The sanction of DoPT has been received and the CBDT is waiting for opinion of the DoLA." - ITGOA communication dated 04.05.16
Click here to read the full communication

Saturday, April 30, 2016

No authentic news about DPC for 2015-16 (ITO to ACIT)

As informed earlier, DPC did not take place in April. There is no update available from ITGOA in this regard. Rumours are spreading that the said DPC is uncertain as of now. Some of those persons spreading rumours showing the cause of retirement of Member (P & V) while some of them are telling about the objection raised by UPSC about convening of back to back DPCs for adhoc promotion. But it makes little sense as in adhoc promotions, UPSC has no role of it's own. Their authority certainly comes into play in case of regular promotions. The third group are saying that CBDT wants to send the proposal for regular promotion to UPSC first and only after their denial, they can take the adhoc route. The question is while the earlier proposal (2014-15) has been reverted back with objection from UPSC, whether they will approve regular promotion to the next batch while the same scenario exists ! In that case is there any justification to send the proposal to UPSC ?
Unfortunately , there is no communication from ITGOA who could clear the air as they are believed to be in constant touch with CBDT. Hundreds of employees who may be benefited with the consequential promotion are still waiting anxiously. 
Leaders, are you listening ?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

DPC for adhoc ACIT promotion (panel year 2015-16) likely on 28th April

Update at 1 PM (28/04/16) : As per information available right now, DPC may be held on next week. Stay online for details.

It is learnt from sources that DPC for adhoc ACIT promotion for the panel year 2015-16 is likely to be held on 28th or 29th April 2016.
In the earlier promotion order No. 62 dated 07.04.2016 for the panel year 2014-15 wrongly included six names which have retired or expired (in one case). This names have been deleted vide corrigendum order issued on 25th April 2016.
Click here for the order

Friday, April 22, 2016

DPC tor ACIT promotion for the vacancy year 2015-16 this month ?

It is learnt that all out effort is being made to hold DPC for the vacancy year 2015-16 for promotion to the post of adhoc ACIT within April. 
Yesterday a confidential  letter from DIT (PR, P P & OL) reached all Pr CCITs to remove the deficiencies of APAR of the concerned officers within 25th of this month.
As per news available, CBDT plans to hold the DPC on 26th April 2016.
Click here for the letter and list of deficient APARs (Region-wise)
Click here for the communication of ITGOA CHQ. in this regard
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