Monday, July 15, 2013

Update about cadre restructure implementation

CBDT has published the details about the proceedings of 5th July with all committees and cadre controlling CCAs. The entire process of restructuring is proposed to be completed within 31.12.2013.
View here the details
As informed in this blog earlier, CBDT issues order about including association representatives in the sub committees. One representative each from three associations, IRS, ITGOA and ITEF to be included in all sub committees.
View the CBDT communcation


amitkumar said...

Cadre restructuring in CBDT
Objective of cadre review--- Overcome from shortage of manpower and provide promotional avenues for employees. Overall growth by boosting the moral of officers/officials by providing better future prospect.
Creation of fresh Group B & C posts-
ITO ---1494 through 100% promotion(as per present RR)
ITI----3803 through 33.33% DR and 66.66% through promotion (as per present RR).
On filling up these vacancies as per existing promotion norms. all eligible inspectors to ITOs and E.A.s to ITIs . In this way, there will be change vacancies of around 4029 in the grade Executive Assistant also department is going to create additional of 5932 posts of E.A.s. There will be a total of 9961 vacancies in the grade of E.As. But it is Important to say that for promotion to the grade of E.A. following criteria are required to be filled :-
1) T.As/Steno-III must have to pass Ministerial depart. Exam.
2) T.As/Steno-III must have to complete three years of qualifying service.
It is well known fact that at present trend of promotion from T.A.s to Sr. T.A is very fast and very few eligible candidate are left over for promotion to the grade of Executive Assistant.
Now the question arises about the deficiency of workforce at the level of E.A. It is also well known fact that E.A. will be the one of the vital post of Income tax department. Deficiency at this level will definitely hamper the working of the department and also the goal of cadre review will not be achieved.
What should be done to overcome this situation?
It is high time to revise the present Recruitment Rule of ITI s and Executive Assistants as below :-
There should be 100% recruitment of ITI s through promotion, instead of present provision of 33.33% by DR and 66.66% by promotion. As there are large number of ITI s departmental examination passing candidates are waiting for promotion. It is no meaning of recruiting a fresher, instead of qualified/experienced persons available for promotion to the grade of ITI s . It will also boost their moral and enhance their productivity.
Secondly there should be 50% recruitment of Executive Assistants by Direct recruit and 50% through promotion.
In this way the shortage of manpower due to promotion of E.As to ITI s and ITI s to ITO s will definitely be removed. And the goal of Cadre Review will be achieved.

Anonymous said...

The cadre restructuring is beneficial to the CCsIT and CsIT only. This is at the cost of field formations. There will be lot more increase of pressure on AOs and the staff.

Anonymous said...

not much useful to Group B&C

Anonymous said...

not much useful to group C&B

Anonymous said...

It is the fact to be faced after implementation. A very good (repeat) very good suggesti5on and worth considering. neitheradministration nor staff / officers union will consider this practical suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Presenty IT dept. offices at field formations can work without permenant range heads , but can it work without low level staff. Proposed restructure reveals that strengthening of super structure in a weak base

AK Samanta said...

The comment of Amit kumar is very useful. CBDT should consider the matter positively.Although the Ministry has accorded 100% sanction of promotion as one time measure to the post of ITI.
AK Samanta

Unknown said...

dear member , what is chance to get promotion to all MTS in cadre review who qualifying computer skill test and direct recruitment but not completing 3yrs of service.most MTS do not want to join any other department although been selected in bank clerk , railway ,ldc. please as senior you can guide me.

Anonymous said...

It is the best ever decision made, if the waiting qualified EA will promote to ITI, It could rise the productivity of work and moral.
A K,

Anonymous said...

No one is talking about The status of Office superintendants.

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