Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Report of sub committee 6 : New Recruitment Rule

Sub committee 6 has submitted report regarding new recruitment rule of ITO, A.O., P.S., ITI, E.A., T.A. MTS etc.
According to report the major change is observed in the recruitment rule of Inspectors. The feeder cadre will be Ex. Assistant, the merged cadre. The promotion quota will be filled in from the seniority list who have cleared the Dept. ITI exam. There will be no separate list of seniority and year of passing as before.
View the Report of Sub Committee 6
Proposed New IRS Recruitment Rule


Anonymous said...

Just I want to know the sub committee can change the Recruitment Rules ? As per my knowledge Cabinet approved this Cadre Restructure -- all the posts should be filled up by way of promotions, with the existing Recruitment Rules. Please let me know whether the sub committee is empowered to alter the cabinet approval or not. I and some of my friends thinking on this legal perflexity. In my openion this is meaning less and unlawful action. ---- JAGADEESH CHANDRA BOSE GALLA

Unknown said...

Report of sub committee 6 : Point 12 Recommendation relating to RRs for MTS on Point 12.2 In view of the large number of vacancies in the grade of MTS, the sub-committee was of the view that daily wage workers, who have been engaged for a Period of three years or more as in December, 2008 be considered for appointment to the post of MTS as a one-time measure, we are request to the limit as in DECEMBER 2008 should be consider to DECEMBER 2013 so that all daily wage worker benefited because that is one-time measure.

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