Friday, October 21, 2016

ACIT Promotion is not taking place due to Deficient APARs

A huge number of deficient APARs are the main hurdle for ACIT promotion for the vacancy year 2016-17. As many as 124 cases are still pending for removal of deficiency.
The Directorate has issued a reminder again today requesting the Pr CCITs to remove the deficiencies at the earliest.
Earlier we have seen that local leaders of ITGOA actively pursued the Admin to act fast in this regard but surprisingly in this case, the priority may have been shifted elsewhere. Let us hope the deficiencies would be removed in a time bound manner and employees will get their long waited promotion.
Click here for the deficiency list 


Anonymous said...

Very true. This time ITGOA leaders are not showing the same interest to pesuade locally.

Anonymous said...

Case is pending in the High Court Gujrat regarding implimentation of decision of NR Parmar and High court directed CBDT to file affidavit on next date of hearing i.e.15/11/2016 to intimate the date of deadline of implimention of the apex court decision. No DPC for promotion from ITO to ACIT be convened before 15.11.2016.

Anonymous said...

CBDT has made so many deadlines for NRP implementation. But nobody cares to implement it. Sufferers are promotion seeking aspirants and not the so called jca leaders.

Anonymous said...

If NRP to be implemented then what about rajeev mohan judgement of Supreme Court ?

Anonymous said...

Then what about "catch up rule"? When this will be reviewed and implemented?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rightly said!!

Unknown said...

All the judgement should be implemented at once,why should anybody suffer at the cost of other.

Anonymous said...

Rajiv mohan has been implemented for intercharge transferee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Since all supreme Court decisions relating to seniority and promotions carry equal weightage all the judgements should be implemented and dpc for ito to promotee acit should not be conducted for at least three more years to ensure complete implementation of all seniority related decisions of supreme Court

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

What about them who retire in these three years

Anonymous said...

Who says ?

Anonymous said...

DPC and promotion should be taken place in a possible proper way even

Unknown said...

the process of dpc from ito to acit should not be blocked due to these judgements. Seniority may be revised lateron. Also adhoc dpc for ito promotion should be convened.

Anonymous said...

No dpc should be conducted unless and until all seniority judgements are implemented

Anonymous said...

If the intentions of fighting for seniority are MALAFIDE , DPC should be conducted as usual๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ

Anonymous said...

Now general will be divided,again and again micro general will be formed. Everyday dept is lagging behind into deep sea. Other deptt not bother about this sort of problem. Perhaps no general has news about their existence. WB charge is worst affected.10-12 years same post.

Anonymous said...

Dear October 29th 12.51 AM. Judgments will be keep flowing continuosly into the Department from various Courts. No promotions till then ? Even you will retire.

Anonymous said...

*Happy Diwali*

*Kindly accept my Best wishes on the occasion of Diwali.*

*May the Divine Light of Diwali Spread into your Life Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health*

*Happy Prosperous & safe Diwali to you & your family.*

Anonymous said...

Board is doing drama with regard to deficient apartment. The rule for writing apar in respect of group b and c officials is only that it has to be written by an officer with whom such official has worked for more than 90 days during the year.

Anonymous said...

All festivals like Vinayaka chaturthi, Dasara, Diwali are passing. But Consequential promotions to ITO and lower cadres have become a daily day dream. Thanks to each and everybody who is responsible for this evil.

Anonymous said...

If some seniority judgements are itself a flaw, then.....

Anonymous said...

Huge monetary loss for the promotion aspirant adhoc ITOs on account of diwali time. unions are responsible for this.

Anonymous said...

ITGOA & ITEF should fight unitedly their supreme war against continuous worst condition of the deptt. Time has come to do some concrete decision like past years they have taken for the good of the deptt. Work of the deptt hampering on promotion issue very much. In other deptt several court cases are pending but promotional aspect not hampering at all. React immediately andAct prompt to save the employees.

Anonymous said...

In some regions seniority list has been altered after a lapse of more than 13 years on the pretext of implementing NR parmar......

Anonymous said...

No problem but no injustices. No dpc for ito to promotee acit till all decisions of supreme Court regarding seniority complied with. Law is equal for all.

Anonymous said...

Why authorities not taking action against responsible officers... will power missing... Every senior officer reporting in his/her APAR that he/she has already been written APAr of his/her junior officers... It it is misreporting..... No single case noticed where action has been taken or show cause has been issued... Now it destiny of junior officer to trace out the present whereabouts of the concerned officers nad get written his/her APAR.
ITGOA have to work

Anonymous said...

Yaaaa ... A vicious network to harass some targets

Anonymous said...

Reasons r many, result is one. No Consequential promotions this year too. Let us retire. Zindabad ITEF.

Anonymous said...

No promotion in this calender year because seniority list would be revised before any promotion

Anonymous said...

In MP region ...considering the representation of some ITI/ITO ...the administration has set aside the seniority list prepared as per the instructions of HRD...while impemanation of NRP. All credit goes to biased organisation i. e. ITEF. This organisation always favors it's real member. So The time has come for the Direct Inspectors to say good bye to such biased organisation.....
Time has come to

Anonymous said...

Good bye guys.

Anonymous said...

CBDT cleared way to adhoc ITO promotions in Rajasthan.

Anonymous said...

Administration has taken the correct decision of not implementing PARMAR decision because this is a useless decision and not even applicable to PARMAR himself.

those selfish guys who have real guts should leave the organization because PARMAR KI cannot be implemented and if it is implemented the RAJEEV MOHAN JUDGEMENT and catch up rule judgements should be implemented immediately

Anonymous said...

All DRs just keep your hands on your heart and swear that injustice has been meted out to you people. It is other way round. All the promotees have been given a raw deal. How many of you would have joined the Department, if the exams had been conducted as per schedule. Probably you would not have been eligible to write the exams as most of you would not have been in first year degree let alone written the last year degree's examination. Most benefited are DR Inspectors recruited on the basis of 2008-09 examinations.

Anonymous said...

Dear friend (10.34 PM of November 3rd)' please throw light on the ad-hoc DPC of ITOs in Rajasthan.

Anonymous said...

When it is matter of own merits of SC/ST ....their representation are
Kept under red tapism stating that representationo would be decided later....your justice shut it mouth when a senior in seniority list is denied promotion ....because of category they belong.... Dear is taugh but true that ITEF never cares DR Inspector....where ever implementation of NRP is concerned has already been some region
... . And an organisation which is useless for DR not needed for us.....

Anonymous said...

These recruits are rear door entrants and nothing else

Anonymous said...

Go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Dear friend (10.34 PM of November 3rd)' please throw light on the ad-hoc DPC of ITOs in Rajasthan

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