Monday, June 20, 2016

Update on DPC for ACIT promotion (Vacancy year 2015-16)

Update on 21.06.2016 : DPC complete. Promotion order expected soon.
Earlier News : It is gathered from sources that DPC started at 10.30 A.M as scheduled. As the Chairman of DPC committee had other important meeting scheduled late in the afternoon, the DPC procedure could not be completed today. Nearly half of the proceedings could be completed today and the rest of the business will be done tomorrow.
After completion of the procedure tomorrow, promotion order is expected in a few days.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

DPC for promotion to Adhoc ACIT : Likely next week

It is learnt from sources that DPC for Adhoc promotion from ITO to ACIT for the vacancy year 2015-16 likely to take place early next week. CBDT is busy with preparation of Annual Tax Conference and the proposed DPC will be convened only after the programme.
Sources added that tentative date for DPC has been fixed on Monday, the 20th June.
As usual , ITGOA is still tight lipped about any recent development.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

DPC for 15_16 approved b y R.S. _ sources

It is learnt from sources that adhoc promotion for 15_16 to the post of ACIT has been approved by Revenue Secretary and DPC to be held soon.
The news could not be confirmed yet.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

ITO to ACIT (2015-16) : DPC soon ?

There is no update from ITGOA in this issue for long. ITOs who are in the consideration zone as well as the promotion aspirants down the line who may be benefited from the consequential vacancies are eager to know about any recent developments regarding ITO to ACIT promotion.

The blog author could not gather any concrete information in this regard. It is reported from unconfirmed source that the file of adhoc DPC (2015-16) has reached  CBDT from UPSC with positive remarks and at present there is no hurdle to convene the DPC. It is also reported that after getting the nod from Revenue Secretary, the DPC is likely to take place soon.

It is once again reminded that the information provided above could not be verified and ITGOA should come forward to share the details, if any.

Monday, May 16, 2016

ITGOA woke up : Lunch hour demonstration on 18th May

As usual JCA started agitation in the lean period of the Financial Year which in no way can embarrass the authority.
"The Central JCA met on 13th May, 2016 at New Delhi and took note of the continuing impasse in the matter. The meeting has directed us to convey to you that the members of JCA all over the country will organise and launch a Lunch-hour Demonstration on 18th May, 2016 (Wednesday) to protest against the inordinate delay and the reluctant attitude of the authorities in resolving the issues."
 The Charter of Demand is given below for your ready reference. 
1. Regularisation of the ad-hoc promotion for the R.Y. 2014-15 and promotion for the R.Y.s 2015-16 & 2016-17 immediately as per the sanction of the Hon’ble Finance Minister, GOI. 
2. The settlement of Pay-anomalies in various cadres, as reported by the 7th CPC, and sending the recommendation of the CBDT to the Implementation Cell and the Committee of Secretaries for consideration. 
3. The pending Recruitment Rules are to get approved by the concerned authorities and notified immediately.
 4. Withdrawal of the new format of APAR for the Assessing Officers and revision of the Interim Action Plan. 
5. Providing Laptops to all Gr. A & B officers and the Inspectors of Income Tax. 
6. No Videography in the Examination Hall of the Departmental Examinations.
Click here for the intimation to Chairman, CBDT
Click here for the call for agitation

Annual General Transfer order for ACITs & Addl/Joint CITs released

Friday, May 6, 2016

Revenue Secretary asks for workload, shortage in ACIT/DCIT cadre

Revenue Secretary wanted to know the sanctioned strength, actual working strength, last year's disposal and average pendecy of work as on 01.04.2016.
The report to be sent by all Pr CCITs within 10th of this month.
It may have a connection with promotion to the cadre.
Click here for the CBDT communication

Thursday, May 5, 2016

DPC for adhoc ACIT(2015-16) awaits Revenue Secretary approval

It is reported by ITGOA (woke up recently after long silence), DPC for 2015-16 is awaiting approval of Revenue Secretary. R.S. asked to consult UPSC before according sanction of the same. Accordingly, UPSC likely to be consulted and a note may be sent to them today itself. The issue of deficient APARs have been worked out and hopefully if everything goes right, the DPC may materialize soon.
Regarding regular DPC of 2014-15 : "As regard regularisation of ad-hoc promotion of 2014-15, the CBDT has asked for opinion from DoPT an DoLA on 19-04-2016 as per the advice of the UPSC. In the meantime the CAT, Pr. Bench, New Delhi pronounced the order of the Barad case and opined for regular promotion on the basis of the existing seniority list. The sanction of DoPT has been received and the CBDT is waiting for opinion of the DoLA." - ITGOA communication dated 04.05.16
Click here to read the full communication

Saturday, April 30, 2016

No authentic news about DPC for 2015-16 (ITO to ACIT)

As informed earlier, DPC did not take place in April. There is no update available from ITGOA in this regard. Rumours are spreading that the said DPC is uncertain as of now. Some of those persons spreading rumours showing the cause of retirement of Member (P & V) while some of them are telling about the objection raised by UPSC about convening of back to back DPCs for adhoc promotion. But it makes little sense as in adhoc promotions, UPSC has no role of it's own. Their authority certainly comes into play in case of regular promotions. The third group are saying that CBDT wants to send the proposal for regular promotion to UPSC first and only after their denial, they can take the adhoc route. The question is while the earlier proposal (2014-15) has been reverted back with objection from UPSC, whether they will approve regular promotion to the next batch while the same scenario exists ! In that case is there any justification to send the proposal to UPSC ?
Unfortunately , there is no communication from ITGOA who could clear the air as they are believed to be in constant touch with CBDT. Hundreds of employees who may be benefited with the consequential promotion are still waiting anxiously. 
Leaders, are you listening ?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

DPC for adhoc ACIT promotion (panel year 2015-16) likely on 28th April

Update at 1 PM (28/04/16) : As per information available right now, DPC may be held on next week. Stay online for details.

It is learnt from sources that DPC for adhoc ACIT promotion for the panel year 2015-16 is likely to be held on 28th or 29th April 2016.
In the earlier promotion order No. 62 dated 07.04.2016 for the panel year 2014-15 wrongly included six names which have retired or expired (in one case). This names have been deleted vide corrigendum order issued on 25th April 2016.
Click here for the order

Friday, April 22, 2016

DPC tor ACIT promotion for the vacancy year 2015-16 this month ?

It is learnt that all out effort is being made to hold DPC for the vacancy year 2015-16 for promotion to the post of adhoc ACIT within April. 
Yesterday a confidential  letter from DIT (PR, P P & OL) reached all Pr CCITs to remove the deficiencies of APAR of the concerned officers within 25th of this month.
As per news available, CBDT plans to hold the DPC on 26th April 2016.
Click here for the letter and list of deficient APARs (Region-wise)
Click here for the communication of ITGOA CHQ. in this regard

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

53 Inspectors promoted as ITO on Adhoc basis in West Bengal

Consequent to the Adhoc ACIT promotion, West Bengal charge issued promotion order for 53 Inspectors to ITO on adhoc basis today.
Click here for the order

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pr CCIT Delhi issued Adhoc ITO promotion order

For the last few days, after the adhoc ACIT promotion, we have been flooded with queries regarding adhoc ITO promotion. Viewers were anxious to know whether adhoc promotion will be granted for the consequential adhoc vacancies in the ITO cadre.
Pr CCIT, Delhi stood first to grant adhoc promotion to the post of ITO today. As many as 12 Inspectors have been promoted to ITO on adhoc basis.
It may be expected that other regions will come out with similar promotion order at the earliest.
Click her to view the promotion order to the post of ITO in Delhi region.

MTS can appear in Ministerial Staff examination

From 2016, MTS who have cleared the prescribed skill test can appear the Ministerial Staff Examination.
It has also been clarified that passing the said examination will have no effect in case of promotion for them in the next higher cadre. They will be eligible for promotion only after putting in the minimum qualified service in the grade.
However passing Ministerial Staff Exam will enable them to appear in Inspectors' Exam after their promotion in the higher grade in future.
Click here for the revised eligibility norms for Dept. Exam 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Adhoc ACIT promotion released

The long awaited and much discussed adhoc promotion order to the grade of ACIT finally released.
181 ITOs of vacancy year 2014-15 have promoted as adhoc ACIT.
Click here for the order
As per information available from sources, DPC was done for 200. One post kept reserved as per the direction of CAT, Ahmedabad in the case of J.L.MEENA. 18 cases are deffered due to incomplete APARs who will be promoted immediately after removal of deficiencies.

Adhoc JCIT promotion order for 20 officers has also been issued today.

Click here for the order

ITGOA expects Adhoc ACIT promotion order today (07/04/2016)

Under intense pressure from different corner of the country ITGOA compelled to apprise the members about promotion order, future DPC etc.
As per the communication from ITGOA dated 06th April 2016, Promotion order likely to be issued today, 7th April and DPC for Adhoc promotion for vacancy year 2015-16 may be conducted on 21 or 22nd April 2016.
Full text of the ITGOA communication is as under.
"The DPC for the ad‐hoc promotion to the cadre of ACIT, for 200 vacancies against the R.Y. 2014‐15, was held on 31‐03‐2016. The promotion order (ad‐hoc) is expected to be passed on 07‐04‐2016. It has already been intimated through the Circular no. 03 of ITGOA, dated 31‐03‐2016, that the Ad‐hoc DPC for 200 vacancies against the R.Y. 2015‐16 will be convened by the CBDT shortly, if the deficiencies in APARs can be removed by then. The deficiency list of 116 officers was uploaded on 30‐03‐2016. All the Units of ITGOA were requested to remove the deficiencies by 05‐04‐2016 and send the requisite documents to the Board. It was also requested to all the Unit leadership to send the documents positively through messenger and not by post to save time and help the ad‐hoc DPC for the R.Y. 2015‐16 to be held as soon as possible. It has been decided that the DPC for the ad‐hoc promotion in ACIT against the 200 vacancies of the R.Y. 2015‐16 will be held on 21/22‐04‐2016 by the CBDT but unfortunately, only a few Units have complied with completing the deficient APARs till date and 95 cases out of 116 deficient APARs are still pending. It is to state that if we can’t pursue the local authorities to send all the APARs removing deficiencies, as per the list, to the CBDT by 12‐04‐2016, the DPC for the ad‐hoc promotion will not be possible to be held on 21/22‐04‐2016. Also, the Units must ensure that the replies/complete APARs sent by them are accepted by the concerned Directorate of the CBDT and no further queries are made. Further, I do request the members of CHQ once again to make themselves available at Delhi right from tomorrow, on rotation, to help preparing the proposal for the ad‐hoc DPC or otherwise, the said DPC will be delayed indefinitely."  

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Still no update on adhoc promotion, members are furious

We regret to inform you that even today, in the evening of 6th April, no update available about Adhoc promotion order to the post of ACIT.
The promotion aspirants of the vacancy year 2014-15 are totally frustrated and shattered. ITGOA expected the order on 4th April but even after 48 hours of the deadline they did not bother to inform the members about any recent development.
In the meantime rumours are spreading everywhere. Some people are talking about stay order in Principal CAT but no such order could be traced so far. Some are blaming the F.M. for not signing the required approval. Some of the members are blaming the red-tapism/procedural delay.
It should be the moral responsibility of ITGOA to tell the truth and that too without any delay.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Ad hoc ACIT promotion(2014-15) likely on Monday (4/4/16), Ad hoc promotion of 2015-16 expected this month

We regret to inform you that there is no authentic news available regarding issuance of ad hoc promotion order from ITO to ACIT as of now.
Update : Promotion order from ACIT to DCIT
Order issued for 124 IRS Officers (Direct) for appointment as ACIT. Click here for order
Promotion Order issued for 169 ACITs to the post of DCIT. 
Click here for order
Earlier News
As per ITGOA circular dated 31/03/2016, Promotion order for DPC held on 31/03/16 is likely to be issued on Monday, 4th April 2016 as it requires FM approval and the FM will be available only on 2nd April.
"It has also been decided that the Ad‐hoc DPC for 200 vacancies against the R.Y. 2015‐16 will be convened by the CBDT in another week’s time, if the deficiencies in APARs can be removed by then."
"As also decided, the approval of DoPT and DoLA has been sought for by the CBDT to reply the query of the UPSC in favour of holding the regular DPC for the R.Y. 2014‐15 immediately. The Revenue Secretary has expressed his kind intention to expedite the process and the CHQ is pursuing the matter in day‐to‐day basis so that the regular DPC is held without any further loss of time. Also, the Central JCA had the opportunity to meet Sri Jayant Sinha, the Minister‐of‐State (Finance), on 31‐03‐2016 and requested him to take up the issue of regular DPC with the UPSC. The Hon’ble MoS (Finance) has agreed to pursue for immediate regular DPC of the R.Y. 2014‐15 to the Chairman, UPSC, as soon as the sanction of DoPT/DoLA is obtained.     The proposal for the regular of DPC for the R.Y. 2015‐16 will also be forwarded to the UPSC and the process of preparing the proposal of DPC for the R.Y. 2016‐17 will be initiated as soon as the Ad‐hoc DPC for the R.Y. 2015‐16 is held.  "
Click here for the full circular of ITGOA.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

ITO to ACIT : DPC complete, Order expected soon

As informed earlier in this blog, DPC meeting for promotion from ITO to ACIT on ad hoc basis took place today at 11 AM in the chamber of Chairman, CBDT.
The DPC meeting for promotion of around 200 officers of vacancy year 2014-15 has been concluded a few minutes before posting this post at around 2.50 PM.
Promotion order may be released late in the afternoon.
Click here for the notice of the meeting.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

ITO to ACIT : Adhoc promotion ?

It is widely discussed in different corners of ITGOA leadership that CBDT is likely to proceed for adhoc promotion of 200 ITOs of the 2014-15 vacancy year within the current financial year.
The DPC proposal sent to UPSC earlier has reportedly been reverted back with objections relating to seniority issues as per NRP implementation. UPSC is not likely to hold regular DPC unless NRP is implemented uniformly all over the country.
Board may grant ad hoc promotion of 200 ITOs within 31st March 2016. Question arises will the vacancies likely to be created against the adhoc promotion will be filled in with adhoc promotion in the lower rank ?
Stay tuned for latest update, if any !
Most urgent.
CBDT uploaded updated deficiency list of ITOs for the panel year 2015-16 and asked all Pr CCIts to remove the deficiencies as per latest UPSC guideline.
Click here for the communication and region wise list. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

250 DCITs promoted as JCIT on adhoc basis

CBDT issued promotion order for 250 DCITs as JCIT.The promotion order has been issued on ad hoc basis. The new promotees' posting will be considered in AGT 2016.
Click here to view the order.
Congratulation to the new JCITs !

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Is the Dept. being run by IRS officers only ?

All the information, instructions,circulars etc. are being communicated by departmental portal It is most unfortunate that only the IRS officers are authorized to view it's content with user id and password.
CBDT regularly issues circular and instructions for the assessing officers (most of them are ITOs) and expects compliance. Leave alone Group C workforce, even the assessing officers are not authorized to use the portal. Needless to mention that no classified or secret document is published in this portal which may need restricted usage.
This is sheer derogatory to each and every non IRS employees in the department.  JCA did not take the matter seriously ever. Despite writing a few routine letters to CBDT, they did not really take up the issue.
Therefore, we on behalf of each and every non IRS employee of the Income Tax Department demand immediate access to

CBDT directed all regions to conduct DPC for the vacancy year 2016-17

CBDT directed all cadre controlling Pr CCITs to conduct DPC for Group B & C posts for the vacancy year 2016+17. As the new recruitment rule of Executive Assistants is yet to be notified and as per CBDT, it will likely to take some more time, DPCs to be done as per old RRs of Sr.T.A./O.S./Stg Gr I. 
Click here for the letter from HRD dated 15.03.16

Thursday, March 10, 2016

N.R Parmar effect : Nine inspectors reverted in West Bengal charge

West Bengal and Sikkim charge has reverted as many as nine Inspectors of Income Tax as per review DPC held in pursuance of N.R Parmar case. 
A number of ITOs are likely to be reverted in this charge as per revised seniority list drawn in case of Inspectors of Income Tax as per NRP effect. ITGOA is trying it's level best to defer the reversion as long as possible so that promotion from ITO to ACIT takes place and this likely to be reverted ITOs can be placed in the liely to be created vacancies.
The question is why the same effort could not be exercised by the ITEF to save these Inspectors ?

One time relaxation for promotion to T.A. and Stg Gr I

CBDT issued order for one time relaxation from five years to four years for the promotion from MTS to T.A and Stg Gr II to Stg Gr I for the vacancy year 2016-17.
Click here for the relaxation order for MTS
Click here for the relaxation order for Stenographers

Saturday, March 5, 2016

JCA woke up from hibernation : Demonstration on 9th March

Central JCA woke up again ! Lunch Hour Demonstration on 9th March !
The old game of agitation is going to start again and obviously it will be "intensified" after the peak time of March so that it can in no way cause any inconvenience to CBDT. Let us see how many of the members come out spontaneously to take part in the agitation. But as the AGT is approaching ahead, so many of them may not dare to oppose the local leadership in public ! 
' is decided by the Central JCA, in its meeting on 02‐03‐2016 at New Delhi, to send a resolution to the Revenue Secretary, GOI, and the Chairman, CBDT, from a Lunch Hour Demonstration on 09th March, 2016 in front of office of all Pr.CCsIT. We will also collect Mass Signature from all members of the JCA which, along with the Resolution, will be sent to the Revenue Secretary, GOI, through proper channel within one month from 09‐03‐2016.   
A charter of demand is annexed hereunder on which immediate attention of the Board is required.    CHARTER OF DEMANDS    
A. To give effect to the promotions in the cadre of ACIT for 3(three) vacancy years within 31‐03‐2016.
 B. To send strong recommendation to the Implementation Cell of the 7th CPC to revise the pay of Income Tax Officer, AO, PS, Inspector and Tax Assistant, as demanded by the JCA. 
C. To ensure immediate Notification of pending RR of ITO/AO/PS/ITI/EA. 
D. To re‐allocate the posts of Inspectors to deficient charges (where stagnation is acute), as proposed by ITEF, to remove such stagnation and to withdraw the order of Diversion of 1633 posts from West Bengal & Sikkim Charge.
 E. To replace the old Laptops and to provide new Laptops to AO & PS and Inspectors. To provide Mobile handset to all officials under the scheme of 1% incentive for infrastructure development. 
F. To improve the Infrastructural facilities in the Department, provision for ample space to the employees with air‐conditioning facility, provision for adequate residential accommodation according to the norms fixed by CPWD.  
 G. To regularize the Casual Workers against the MTS posts sanctioned in the cadre restructuring. H. To modify the existing RR of MTS. Recruitment of MTS to be done directly by the Department or through the Employment Exchange as done by the Postal Department.'
Click here to view the full circular dated 04.03.2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016

ITGOA Circular dated 03.03.2016

ITO to ACIT promotion : Reality Soon ? 
Click here for the letter to Rev. Secy. dtd. 03.03.16
"The promotion from ITO to ACIT for the R.Y. 2014‐15 requires to be held immediately. All out efforts are being made to complete the process immediately. The CHQ appealed to all its members vide Circular No. 01, dated 25‐01‐2016, to be restrained from asking for the stay on DPC in the Court of Law, but some of our members choose otherwise. The ITGOA impressed the CBDT that as recasting of seniority after the implementation of NRP Judgment would take some more time, as evident from the status of correct implementation of the Advisory issued by the CBDT in various charges, and as the Hon’ble FM, GOI, had approved the promotion of all ITOS upto 2003‐04 by the 31‐03‐2016, the promotion in the cadre of ACIT for the R.Y.s 2014‐15, 2015‐16 & 2016‐17 is to be held on the basis of the existing Seniority List subject to any revision of seniority as per the implementation of NRP verdict of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. The Hon’ble Revenue Secretary, GOI, was also appraised of the issue by the Central JCA, vide its letter dated 03‐02‐2016 (the copy of the letter is attached herewith), requesting him to intervene and impress upon the UPSC for speedy disposal of all the 3(three) DPCs within the timeline fixed by the Hon’ble FM, GOI.             In the mean time, the CAT, Pr. Bench, directed to intimate the Court before any step towards promotion from ITO to ACIT and accordingly, the CBDT has filed an affidavit before the Hon’ble Bench. Moreover, the UPSC had forwarded a final deficiency list in regard to the proposal of R.Y. 2014‐15 to the CBDT. As almost all the deficiencies are to be replied by the CBDT itself and the concerned Sections/Directorates are working on it, 7(seven) deficient APARs (as attached along with) are yet to be collected from 4 regions which are being forwarded to the respective Pr. CCsIT and the Presidents/General Secretaries of ITGOA in those regions are putting all efforts to complete the deficiencies and send it to the CBDT.  But unfortunately, as the corrected APARs in these 7(seven) cases are sent to the CBDT by post only instead of special messenger, we tend to lose some precious days/time before submitting the same to the UPSC.    
 The promotion from ITO to ACIT for the R.Y. 2015‐16 has to be done immediately and as per the request of the CHQ, the Chairman, CBDT, had directed the DIT (PP, PR & OL) to prepare the grading of the officers in the consideration zone of the said proposal. But after many efforts, 38 deficiencies still exist which are required to be removed to prepare the proposal for DPC of R.Y. 2015‐16 (the list, as updated on 02‐03‐2016, is attached herewith). All the Units are requested to remove the deficiencies immediately to help to prepare the proposal for the DPC."
Click here for the full circular

Sunday, February 28, 2016

ITGOA maintains total silence on ITO to ACIT promotion

The blog is being flooded with queries from our viewers regarding any progress of ITO to ACIT promotion. JCA, who was making all out (!) agitation on this issue a few months back has become totally silent on this issue. Last communication to the members were made by ITGOA way back on 2nd February. No update regarding meeting scheduled with Chairman, CBDT is provided till date. Naturally members, particularly the 2014-15 DPC aspirants are totally frustrated. A few of them has already retired and some more to follow. As there is no alternative to choose from, they are compelled to be with the present leadership.
As information gathered from different sources, ITGOA is more interested for DPC for the year 2015-16 than 2014-15 for the reason known best to them.
As per sources, UPSC again asked certain clarification regarding 2014-15 batch which has been provided by CBDT a couple of days back. It is expected that date of DPC ,may be fixed within the first week of March 2016 for 2014-15. If there is any more obstacle found to get UPSC nod, CBDT may proceed for Ad Hoc promotion.
We again want to clarify that information provided above is gathered from sources and could not be authenticated by any means. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

What about those 1633 posts ?

Viewers may remember that 1633 posts of Gr B and Gr C cadres were ordered to be be transferred out from West Bengal charge. After a massive hue and cry from that region Board maintained status quo and formed one after another committee to look into the justification of this. JCA, West Bengal observed a number of demonstrations/ sit in dharnas against it. The current position about the matter has never been stated by association.
As per sources, the high power committee suggested in favour of the decision of phasing out posts from this region.
Will JCA West Bengal inform the members about the progress or any future agitation ?

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Departmental website hacked by suspected Pak based group

New Delhi, Feb 7 (PTI) Suspected Pakistan-based groups have hacked the official web portal of the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) belonging to the Income Tax department.

Officials said the website-- was hacked early Saturday and it has been rendered inaccessible since then.

They said messages were posted on the link like "Pakistan Zindabad" and "we are team Pak cyber attacker".

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Suspension of agitation to be continued for indefinite period

Central JCA on it's meeting on 31st January 2016 decided to continue the suspension of agitation "for some more time making way for the CBDT for final settlement of both these issues."
The issues are notification of RR and ITO to ACIT promotion.
Click here for the full communication
General members of ITGOA and ITEF are fed up with this routine agitation game every year. It usually starts at the lean period with stoppage of statistical reports, then intensifies with non participation in search/surveys, occasional one day strike and finally withdrawn without achieving anything. It may be noticed that JCA never call for any agitation/non cooperation during Jan to March as it may hamper some corrupt officer / officials' personal vested interest. CBDT feels comfortable as this game does not affect collection an any way as in the crucial hours of the last quarter, there is absolute peace in the department.
We will look forward for further agitation (!) , probably after April/May 2016.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

ITGOA Circular dated 25.01.2016

At last ITGOA took the pain to inform the members about the situation. The division of ITGOA could not be kept under cover and the leadership had to  admit it.
"But it has to be pointed out that the same tune and texture of harmony has not been prevailing among the entire cross‐section of its members across the country, at least in the issue of implementation of NRP Judgment and the promotions in the cadre of ACIT"
Regarding promotion from ITO to ACIT :
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